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• Constant pressure or constant flow perfusion of isolated rodent hearts with the same apparatus

• Compact unit improved for low volume and high temperature stability

• High perfusion pressure possible (up to 300 mmHg)

• Continuous measurement of heart mechanics and bioelectrical signals

• Langendorff or Working Heart Configurations – Easy to Upgrade

• The special flow resistance and compliance chamber closely mimics the in-vivo afterload

• Applications:

– Testing inotropic and vasoactive substances

– Testing cardiac rhythm (chronotropic and arrythmogenic effects)

– Assessment of the refractory period

– Cardiovascular screening of transgenic mice


The IH-SR apparatus has been designed for experiments on the isolated heart of small rodents like rats or guinea pigs, and especially mice. Available in two versions: LH = Langendorff Heart and WH = Working Heart. Both versions allow easy conversion between constant pressure and constant flow conditions. The WH version of the apparatus allows isolated heart experiments in both LH or WH mode. Mode changeover is performed through a few simple manipulations; no additional conversion of the apparatus required. The precision design simplifies system use and minimizes user error.

In LH mode, the coronary vessels are perfused by retrograde flow through the aorta. Under constant pressure conditions, coronary flow can be measured with a flow probe while in constant flow experiments, the perfusion pressure can be measured with a pressure transducer. Measurement of isovolumetirc left ventricular pressure (LVP) (balloon method) is facilitated by custom LVP balloon catheters.

In WH mode the left atrium is cannulated and the heart performs pressure-volume work. Atrial preload is set by a simple fluid column height adjustment. Measurable parameters in WH mode include perfusion pressure, aortic flow, total cardiac output from left atrial flow, atrial preload pressure, LVP pressure via aortic cannulation or ventricular cannulation.

Parameters that can be monitored in either LH or WH modes include ECG, and Monophasic Action Potential. Traditional blood gas measurements (pO2, pCO2 and pH) as well as ion concentrations can also be monitored by pulmonary artery cannulation in rats and guinea pigs but is not available for mice.

• Constant pressure or constant flow perfusion of isolated rodent hearts with the same apparatus

• Compact unit improved for low volume and high temperature stability

• High perfusion pressure possible (up to 300 mmHg)

• Continuous measurement of heart mechanics and bioelectrical signals

• Langendorff or Working Heart Configurations – Easy to Upgrade

• The special flow resistance and compliance chamber closely mimics the in-vivo afterload

• Applications:

– Testing inotropic and vasoactive substances

– Testing cardiac rhythm (chronotropic and arrythmogenic effects)

– Assessment of the refractory period

– Cardiovascular screening of transgenic mice


