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Solution Parts and Accessories HEADING_TITLE

Monomer Racks and Accessories

Part Number Product
320042 100 mL Solution Phase Bottle
251788 Cap Insert for 100 mL Solution Phase Bottle
320073 Threaded Teflon Cap for 100 mL Solution Phase Bottle
260193 Septum, 100 mL Solution Phase Bottle
251603 Cap Removal Tool, 100 mL Solution Phase Bottle
251891 Holder for Fifteen 100 mL Solution Phase Bottles
950307 96 x 10 mL Solution Phase Rack Assembly
950326 96 x 10 mL Solution Phase Rack Assembly with Evaporation Modules
260080 10 mL Glass Bottles
260081 Caps for 10 mL Glass Bottles
260196 Septa for 10 mL Glass Bottles
950337 1 x 7 Monomer Rack w/ 20 mL Glass Bottles
950338 3 x 7 Monomer Rack w/ 20 mL Glass Bottles
950339 4 x 7 Monomer Rack w/ 20 mL Glass Bottles
320050 20 mL Glass Bottle
320052 Cap For 20 mL Glass Bottle
260193 Septa for 20 mL Bottles
950344 SPE Micro Titer Plate Holder
950342 Dual Micro Titer Plate Holder
260212 Septa for Dual Titer Plate
950341 Adaptor Plate for Cleavage Assembly


Optional Ares Reactors

Part Number Product Description
990192 96 Vessel Ares Reactor Assembly 96 two ml reactor assembly for preparing up to 96 different products simultaneously.
990177 96 Vessel Ares Cleavage Assembly Use with the 96 Vessel Reactor Assembly to cleave products from resin in 96 reactors and collect the products in 4 ml glass vials. Glass vials included.
990159 96 Vessel Ares Cleavage Assembly, centrifugal evaporator compatible Use with the 96 Vessel Ares Reactor Assembly to cleave products from resin in 96 reactors and collect the products in 4 ml glass vials. Vials are held in four blocks that fit into centrifugal evaporators. Glass vials included.
990146 48 Vessel Ares Reactor Assembly 48 vessel reactor assembly for preparing up to 48 different products simultaneously.
990178 48 Vessel Ares Cleavage Assembly Use with the 48 Vessel Ares Reactor Assembly to cleave products from resin in 48 reactors and collect the products in 6 ml glass vials. Glass vials included.
990194 24 Vessel Ares Reactor Assembly 24 vessel reactor assembly for preparing up to 24 different products simultaneously.
990179 24 Vessel Ares Cleavage Assembly Use with the 24 Vessel Ares Reactor Assembly to cleave products from resin in 24 reactors and collect the products in 20 ml glass beakers. Glass beakers included.
990195 12 Vessel Ares Reactor Assembly 12 vessel reactor assembly for preparing up to 12 different products simultaneously.
990026 12 Vessel Ares Cleavage Assembly Use with the 12 Vessel Ares Reactor Assembly to cleave products from resin in 12 reactors and collect the products in 50 ml glass beakers. Glass beakers included.
260129 Septa for Reactor Assembly Used with all Ares reactor assemblies.
260089 Valve Sheet, Skived TFE Used with all Ares reactor assemblies
950251 Resin Dispenser, 35 mg per vessel Simultaneously dispenses 35 mg of resin to each vessel of a 96 vessel Classic reactor or 96 vessel Ares reactor.
950255 Resin Dispenser, 70 mg per vessel Simultaneously dispenses 70 mg of resin to each vessel of a 96 vessel Classic reactor or 96 vessel Ares reactor.


Part Number Product Description
990192 96 Vessel Ares Reactor Assembly 96 two ml reactor assembly for preparing up to 96 different products simultaneously.
990177 96 Vessel Ares Cleavage Assembly Use with the 96 Vessel Reactor Assembly to cleave products from resin in 96 reactors and collect the products in 4 ml glass vials. Glass vials included.
990159 96 Vessel Ares Cleavage Assembly, centrifugal evaporator compatible Use with the 96 Vessel Ares Reactor Assembly to cleave products from resin in 96 reactors and collect the products in 4 ml glass vials. Vials are held in four blocks that fit into centrifugal evaporators. Glass vials included.
990146 48 Vessel Ares Reactor Assembly 48 vessel reactor assembly for preparing up to 48 different products simultaneously.
990178 48 Vessel Ares Cleavage Assembly Use with the 48 Vessel Ares Reactor Assembly to cleave products from resin in 48 reactors and collect the products in 6 ml glass vials. Glass vials included.
990194 24 Vessel Ares Reactor Assembly 24 vessel reactor assembly for preparing up to 24 different products simultaneously.
990179 24 Vessel Ares Cleavage Assembly Use with the 24 Vessel Ares Reactor Assembly to cleave products from resin in 24 reactors and collect the products in 20 ml glass beakers. Glass beakers included.
990195 12 Vessel Ares Reactor Assembly 12 vessel reactor assembly for preparing up to 12 different products simultaneously.
990026 12 Vessel Ares Cleavage Assembly Use with the 12 Vessel Ares Reactor Assembly to cleave products from resin in 12 reactors and collect the products in 50 ml glass beakers. Glass beakers included.
260129 Septa for Reactor Assembly Used with all Ares reactor assemblies.
260089 Valve Sheet, Skived TFE Used with all Ares reactor assemblies
950251 Resin Dispenser, 35 mg per vessel Simultaneously dispenses 35 mg of resin to each vessel of a 96 vessel Classic reactor or 96 vessel Ares reactor.
950255 Resin Dispenser, 70 mg per vessel Simultaneously dispenses 70 mg of resin to each vessel of a 96 vessel Classic reactor or 96 vessel Ares reactor


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