A number is not always what it seems to be. What is the confidence interval? How accurate and precise is the assessment? The Leja 2-chamber slide is perfect for a cost effective replacement of the Improved Neubauer in semen analysis according the WHO manual. It allows the assessment of viscosity (in centiPoise, cP), motility and concentration with one slide.
The same accuracy as the Improved Neubauer is achieved, but with higher precision, without additional dilutions. It saves 30 minutes of a technician's time. One slide allows the WHO method of decision making in accepting or rejecting the concentration figure. The limits of quantification will be 5.000/ml - 200•106/ml (manual assessments).
This slide can be used for the viscosity assessment.
To get a more precise concentration figure, the initial concentration figure needs to be corrected for the Segre Silberberg effect (a natural occurrence when using a capillary filled chamber; this effect causes a constant underestimation of the concentration). Only Leja slides are calibrated and a manual gives you the correction figures.
This slide works well in any CASA. In one assessment, you will be able to perform concentration and motility, and, if needed, a morphological assay. Leja slides are well equipped for manual counting. A manual is available through your local Leja distributor or here.
Please download a PDF brochure here [409 KB].
Catalogue numbers: SC-20-01-02-B (laminar)and SC-20-01-C (curved)