• Horizontal tissue bath for contraction measurements using a force transducer
• Can be used as a flow-through or closed-loop system
• Possibility of electrical stimulation
• Exchangeable holders depending on tissue used (for vascular or tracheal rings, for strips)
The Mayflower tissue bath is a horizontal tissue chamber with an integral contraction force measurement. It is completely open at the top and has a small bath volume of 3 - 5 ml. The compact and modular construction provides ideal conditions for investigations on small muscle preparations (urethra, papillary muscle, cavernous body), vascular rings, or tracheal rings.
The basic equipment consists of:
• Acrylate support with a movable mounting platform for preload adjustment through a micrometer screw. This platform acts as holder for the force transducer HSE-HA F-30 or F-10, see page I4. The acrylate support also includes a glass heat exchanger for the pre-heating of the perfusate solution.
• The tissue chamber carved out of a rectangular acrylate block and placed on the support stand. This chamber normally includes the tissue holder, the connections for electrical stimulation electrodes, a frit for aeration and a draw-off tube with height adjustment to set the bath volume.
• A multi-channel roller pump for the perfusate circuit permits operation as recirculating or as flow-through system.
• A thermocirculator for keeping the perfusate solution at constant temperature.
The modular concept of this apparatus offers a wide range of different arrangements to meet individual requirements regarding bath geometry, tissue holders and stimulation electrodes. The horizontal arrangement of the tissue and the open top provide ideal conditions during preparation and experiment. The tissue bath is available as a complete set-up for 1 up to 8 channels. Two connection sockets for the stimulation electrodes are located on either side of the tissue chamber. Different types of electrodes are available. The solution flows in from a roller pump, the outflow is under suction by the same pump.