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• 4-channel tissue bath

• 5, 10, 20 and 50 ml tissue vessels available

• Multiple choice of tissue holder to adapt to any application

• Applications:

- Smooth muscles

- Heart muscles

- Skeletal muscles

- Rings, strips

• Software for Data Acquisition and Control


The Schuler tissue bath system is our most advanced and feature rich tissue bath system used for the study of force or displacement from a wide variety of tissue preparations such as: atria, papillary muscle (without potential recording), and skeletal and smooth muscle (intestine, bladder, uterus). Isolated intact blood vessels and nerve-muscle preparation experiments are also possible but require the use of special holders. The rigid construction and ergonomic design of the Schuler Organ Bath allows for rapid tissue mounting and adjustment to minimize tissue drying and hypoxia. Tissue bath volumes of 5, 10, 20 and 50 ml are available along with bath and tissue specific holders. Tissue supports are available for rings, strips and specialty applications, with or without platinum plate field stimulation electrodes and include an integrated oxygenating frit at the back of the holder to minimize disruption of force and displacement due to bath oxygenation. A selection of force and displacement transducers is available which are mounted to Vernier positioners.

The HSE-DAQ Software Package ACAD, see page K31, is used to record and export force and displacement measurements. Optional software and hardware modules are available for computer controlled field stimulation, tissue pretension using electronically controlled Vernier positioners and tissue bath flushing.

Systems are available as individual components or complete Turn-key solutions. Accessories include, tissue preparation dishes, buffer reservoirs, wide range of tissue supports, transducers (force and displacement) amplifiers, multi-channel stand alone or programmable stimulators, thermocirculator and all required tubing and connectors.
