  • 名称:延时软件

  • 型号:Time-Lapse
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延时软件The Time-Lapse software 允许对活样品进行自动数字显微镜检查,以高度互动且友好的方式。使用直观的命令调节实验参数,可以在实验进行同时调节。由以下模块组成,可以分别购买:

    TL-Basic (包括: Live Visualization, Object Selection, Camera Control, Background, Read and Go, Data storage, Temperature Control)
    TL-Interaction (包括: Adjust, Search new, Remote Joiystick)
    TL-Z Stack
    TL-Multiwell Autoscan




    Live visualization and Object selection:
    在实时观察 Live visualization期间,操作者可以搜索场景中感兴趣的目标。点击 Select 键,目标的坐标就可以存储在电脑里。可以选择多个目标。在延时实验期间,软件会自动驱动载物台和显微镜聚焦,以**返回每个选定目标的位置,从而在每一个延迟执行采集。对于每个目标,软件会纪录选定的LUT (见 Camera Control)。选定目标的数目会在 Objects to scan 窗口显示。一旦选定了目标,简单点击Start按钮就可以开始延时实验。

    Camera Control:
    此特性可以控制摄像机的参数:操作员可以轻松的调节修改图像亮度和对比度的数字化参数。可调参数贺他们的范围依赖于安装的摄像机。如果需要,有一项额外功能,可以自动探测到*好的 Look Up Table (LUT) 查阅表参数。可以在延时实验期间进行这项自动设置,以弥补小的照明起伏,在 Auto LUT Freq 区域可以看到这项调节的频率 (例如: Auto LUT Freq=10  表示每10个循环执行一次)。

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    This feature allows to acquire a background quota. By clicking the background button the current focus position is memorized as background quota. The operator can choose whether to acquire the background at every cycle, with a certain frequency, or on demand. The background image is acquired at the same quota for each object in scan. It is used by Image Tool Box to enhance image quality in post processing.

    Read and Go:
    The operator can Read the position and/or Go to a specific position of any object selected. Values are in microns. In addition, coordinates can be inserted in the Time Lapse - Pos interface to drive the motors to a specific position.

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    Data storage:
    All the data acquired during a Time Lapse Experiment are stored in computer memory. Depending on the TL modules you choose, any image can be acquired as a 2D Single Image or as a Z-stack. The software creates in the main directory a subdirectory for each object . If the object is a Single Image, in the corresponding directory, the software stores tiff files named with progressive numbers (e.g. Img0001.tif, Img0002.tif, &). The number refers to the scan during which the image was acquired. In the object directory (directory OBJ####), the software stores also the time#### .txt file and the obj####.txt file (#### being the object number). The time#### .txt  file contains a column of numbers corresponding to the acquisition time in seconds of each image (time is zero when the experiment starts). The obj#### .txt file contains a table reporting, for each stored image: file name; acquisition time (in seconds); progressive step. If the background was selected, the software also creates in the experiment directory a subdirectory for each background. In the case of a Z Stack in the OBJ#### directory the software creates other subdirectory called Set#### (#### being the progressive scan number) in each Set directory, the software stores tiff files progressively named (Img0001.tif, &), relative to images acquired at different depth in the sample (i.e. different Layers in the Z Stack). Each Set directory will contain also a Set####.txt file in which a table reports: image file name; acquisition time (in seconds); progressive step number; X, Y, Z position (in microns). In the OBJ### directory, as in the case of a Single Image, the software stores also a time###.txt  file and an obj###.txt file, relative to the start of the z stack acquisition (i.e. time and position of the first Layer).

    Temperature Control:
    Full integration with Okolab Microscope Incubators Temperature Control softwares is provided. Among features of this tool there is a visual reminder of time left before refilling water in the humidifying module. Furthermore, in case you use oil immersion objectives and work with a microscope stage incubator, there is a feature taking into account heat exchange between sample and objective in performing temperature control. Finally, if you need to open the incubator during the experiment, a stand by procedure guarantees a smooth operation of the PID controller, thus avoiding any thermal shock to the samples. 
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    During the experiment the Adjust tool allows the operator, in any moment of the experiment, to adjust the position of the areas visualised. In other words, in any moment the operator can decide to change the position or the parameters of a certain object, modifying its acquisition coordinates and/or the parameters of the video camera (Look Up Table). If desired, the operator can Delete the object: from that time on, the experiment will continue only for the remaining objects.


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    Add New:
    The Search new Object tool allows the operator to add a new object in any moment of the experiment. As for all the other objects, the Add New can be a new object (Single Image, a Z Stack or a Mosaic with its own acquisition parameters (LUT)) or a new background.


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    Remote Joystick:
    The operator can drive the motor and the focus of the microscope from the Time Lapse software interface.
    The blue arrow allows to regulate the speed of the movements. Back to top


    This module allows to drive filter wheels and shutter, in order to switch between Bright Field and different Fluorescence images; the Channel Selector automatically switch among the different available configurations. Any Object can be acquired in more than one channel, any channel can have a different LUT. Back to top


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    Depending on the modules that you choose, each Object can be a Single Image, a Z Stack or a Mosaic. In the case of a Single Image the operator can choose to perform an Autofocus, several Autofocus algorithms are available and can be tested by the operator on the specific sample during the Live visualization by clicking on the GO button. Every cycle the software drives the motor to the previous recorded Object position, than acquire several images (N° Layer) equally spaced along an user defined Depth, the best focus position is searched among the N° Layer images. Back to top


    TL-Z Stack:

    This module allows to acquire Z-stacks. The first and the last layer, between which stacks are acquired, are selected by the operator, the software calculates the depth of the stack (Delta, in microns). The number of layers to be acquired in the Z stack must also be inserted by the operator in the Time Lapse - Z Stacks interface. The layers will be equally spaced between the first and the last layer. Back to top


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    One of the main problems "hard users" of Time Lapse workstation face is the fast proliferation of large experiments on the Workstation hard drive. This needs data storage, DVD burning, eventual data recovery, sometimes it's not easy to keep track of old experiment & all time consuming operations that usually need to be done (carefully) on the experimental machine, limiting the use of the microscope workstation. OKO-Data Base is the solution! This OKO-Vision module helps the user to keep track of the Time Lapse experiments, storing several information useful to quickly recover old data and "browse" through your experiments. OKO-DB supports user for an easy storage of large experiments on CD, DVD, Blue Ray, or any supported disk type external storage support. The user will be prompted to label the disk with a pre-numbered cover, containing all the important information on the experiment. OKO-DB will support the restore of past experiments simply recalling the disk ID. OKO-DB can run on any PC in your LAN, not necessarily the experimental workstation that will so be able to run experiments even 24 h 7 days/week, continuing storing the data on its hard drive. After each experiment a low priority function will transfer in background the files on the DB workstation trough your LAN. ITB will then access from any PC on the LAN to the experiment data base that will support you to easily access and visualize or analyze your experiment. You can also easily bring a copy of an entire experiment on your laptop for off-line analysis.  Back to top




    The Mosaic mode allows to acquire consecutive images on the XY plane, if desired an overlap or a spacing between the images can be set. The Mosaic and Z stack  modules can be combined to acquire consecutive Z-stacks. Back to top


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    TL-Multiwell Autoscan 

    This routine allows the user to perform an automatic scan of multiwell plates. The user can select the type of MW plate in use (6, 12, 24, 48 or 96 well, customizable on request) and automatically acquire random images in each well, or indicate only some well of interest. The system will automatically find the 3D position in each well. Back to top


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    Camera Control:

    In LIVE mode we set the camera parameters for different fluorescence channels.

    Read and Go:

    In LIVE mode we move through selected field of view and by typing coordinates.

    Multi Channel:

    In LIVE mode we visualise the current field of view in different fluorescence channel.

    z Stack:

    This example shows you how to acquire a multi slices scanning of a field of view.


    DURING the Time Lapse experiment you can modify fields of view positions and LUT.

    Example of 2D Time Lapse experiment:

    Let's start a 2D, multi channel Time Lapse experiment in few minutes.