4、药理学、环境毒理学研究 ;
5、神经科学的研究 ;
探头活动范围 *大11毫米
探头类型 薄膜组件
中心频率 12.5 to 50MHz
聚焦 可调
景深 可调
可视扫描角度 *大40度
仪器名称(中文): 高分辨率小动物专用超声影像系统
仪器名称(英文): High-Resolution In Vivue Imaging System
主要用途: 1、血管方面血管瘤、血栓性**的研究。 2、 胚胎发育生物学可以看到两天的受精卵,可以清楚显示7天胎龄的小鼠胚胎结构,12.5天胎龄的小鼠心脏的四腔心动态结构。 3、 肿瘤生物学可以清晰显示肿瘤组织的形态,分辨率达30µm,可以显示和测量直径1mm以下肿瘤组织的三维结构、径向距离和体积。可以显示肿瘤组织内血管的生长和分布情况。 4、 药理学、环境毒理学研究 5、 神经科学的研究
With the new InviVue?/sup> High Resolution ultrasound biomicroscopy system you are able to non-invasively image internal organs and structures in mice, rats and other small animals without the need to sacrifice. Ultrasound imaging allows you to monitor the same animal over a period of time. You are able to perform longitudinal studies and measure the ongoing disease state.
The InviVue High Resolution ultrasound biomicroscopy system is an affordable alternative to larger, higher priced systems. When we developed our imaging system, we focused on the features that you, the researcher, use on a daily basis. We chose a more practical, less expensive approach to our design, allowing you to benefit from our cost savings.
The InviVue software allows you to add text and information that is essential to identifying parts of the image. Within the application you can accurately perform and record measurements from multiple points. You have the ability to save images as picture files, allowing you the flexibility to post process data and combine with other applications.
?Developmental biology
?Geonomic research
?Cardiovascular research
Imaging Methods:
?Direct contact with probe attachment
?Traditional water bath
Transducer Frequencies:
?35MHz ?standard
?50MHz ?high resolution
详情请联系美国劲爆体育NBA直播免费观看有限公司北京代表处 电话:010-51650520
Below are examples of images produced using the InviVue System:
Mouse Embryo with Brain Injection Pipette
Embryonic Rat (E12)
Female Adult Rat